About this Episode
Lauren and JJ discuss the AVMA ELVES program, reindeer eye color changes, penguin couple updates, and Christmas movie recommendations.
1) Join the E.L.V.E.S. to help Santa spread cheer in your clinic. American Veterinary Medical Association. https://www.avma.org/blog/join-elves-help-santa-and-spread-cheer-your-clinic
2) Stokkan, K., Folkow, L., Dukes, J., et al. (2013). Shifting mirrors: Adaptive changes in retinal reflections to winter darkness in Arctic reindeer. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1773), article ID 20132451. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rspb.2013.2451
3) Ollivier, F. J., Samuelson, D. A., Brooks, D. E., et al. (2004). Comparative morphology of the tapetum lucidum (among selected species). Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7(1), 11-22. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14738502/
4) Turnbull, T. (2024). One half of world-famous gay penguin couple dies. British Broadcasting Corporation. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1w78ylrq8jo
5) Carstens, E. A. (2021). What's with all the gay penguins? Museum at Tufts University. https://sites.tufts.edu/museumstudents/2021/02/22/whats-with-all-the-gay-penguins/
6) Minnesota Department of Health. (2024). State reports rare human death from rabies. https://www.health.state.mn.us/news/pressrel/2024/rabies092724.html
7) CBS News. (2024). California teacher dies after being bitten by a bat inside her classroom. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-teacher-dies-bitten-bat-classroom/